i hope this blog post finds you well

  • Look How They Massacred My Boy

    Look How They Massacred My Boy

    Wordsworth, Thoreau, Jason Voorhees: these are just a few of the esteemed luminaries who enjoy a good walk around the lake. I like to count myself among their company, as I too enjoy a lakeside stroll. Recently,…

  • Disappointing Mickey Brownie: Great Presentation, Lackluster Taste

    Disappointing Mickey Brownie: Great Presentation, Lackluster Taste

    I bought a Mickey Brownie at lunch. I chose the brownie because I wanted something I could take with me, rather than a Mickey ice cream bar which would have melted on the way back. I really…

  • Obsessed With RSS

    Obsessed With RSS

    Remember blogrolls from back in the early 2000s? Those little columns in your sidebar listing all the blogs you followed, from your Internet friends in Baltimore, Boston, and Oakland to the Norwegian dude with unparalleled knowledge of…

  • Alone in the Woods

    Alone in the Woods

    I am alone. The high schoolers who were camping across the way from me abandoned camp early. They were complaining that it was hot, that there was nothing to do, that they had no signal, that they…

  • A Walk in the Woods

    A Walk in the Woods

    It seems like only three years ago I was able to walk in the woods with ease. In fact, it was three years ago. I walked in the woods all the time. Then things started getting harder,…